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Members & staff of UKIP past & present. Committed to reforming the party by exposing the corruption and dishonesty that lies at its heart, in the hope of making it fit for purpose. Only by removing Nigel Farage and his sycophants on the NEC can we save UKIP from electoral oblivion. SEE: http://juniusonukip.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-statement-re-junius.html

Tuesday 8 March 2011

UKIP: OLAF, Selecting candidates in the Eastern Region, Jill Seymour and Nikki Sinclaire

The Eastern Region

Remember Agnew’s admission that both he and David Bannerman were illegally paying Peter Reeve out of their allowances? See: LINK That investigation is still ongoing.

Peter Reeve: Up to his neck in corruption

The case/investigation number is:


A certain Martin Wasmeier is handling the case.

Unit 1 Internal investigations : European Institutions
Title Head of Unit - Internal Investigations - European Institutions

We also note with amusement that Lisa ‘Needs a Wash’ Duffy. Mike ‘ Wolfman’ McGough and Andrew ‘Confused’ Smith have been selecting potential PPCs for UKIP Eastern.

McGough shot to fame after being exposed as having lied on his MEP election address to members. He claimed to have been the PPC for Harlow. See: LINK

Smith is best known for advising the NEC to mislead Elcom over donations to the party. See: LINK

And Duffy was exposed as a liar in a British court when she claimed ON OATH that the NEC was unaware that Alan Hardy had been a member of the BNP until his attempt to renew his membership in 2010. In fact, the leadership of UKIP – including Farage - was fully aware of Mr Hardy’s involvement with the BNP. Mr Hardy has letters from Farage, Nuttall and Allison (dated 2007) which confirm this. See: LINK

So you have three of the most dishonest people in UKIP selecting potential candidates on the basis of their integrity and suitability! It’s a bit like getting Jack the Ripper to give advice to female victims of domestic violence.

Certain candidates were interviewed at 11 Willis Road, Cambridge. We were rather surprised that Martin Harvey was approved by the trio. He has been one of their leading critics for the last few years. Most strange!

Jill Seymour

We do have a soft spot for Jill Seymour. She means well but sadly lacks the courage to stand up to Farage and his arse lickers. It was rather sad to see Jill being snubbed at the UKIP conference by various membership of the leadership.

Perhaps she will now realise that remaining silent when faced with corruption is not an option. You end up being respected by no one.

Nikki Sinclaire

Nikki continues to get a lot of publicity in the media. This would NEVER have happened if she had stayed in the EFD. Farage’s ego would not have allowed it.

Here are a couple of links to articles that mention Nikki:



And finally....

Nigel visits his favourite bank with yet another UKIP 'donation'. But where's Annabelle?

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